كبسة واحدة تربط المرضى بمقدمي الرعاية عبر إتصال فيديو شخصي (وجهاً لوجه) بما يتناسب مع قانون حماية معلومات المرضى (HIPAA)، أو القوانين المشابهة في البلدان الأخرى.
من خلال ميديڤايزوم، يتواصل المرضى مع مقدمي الرعاية بواسطة الهاتف، اللوح الإلكتروني أو الكمبيوتر. لا حاجة لتنزيل التطبيقات أو الإنتظار مطولاً. المنصة سهلة الإستخدام لتحديد المواعيد الطبية حسب الطلب، بما يتناسب مع معايير الفوترة والمراجعة.
“عناية عالية الجودة في أي وقت تريد، وأينما كنت، ومن خلال أي جهاز.”
منصة ذات فعاليّة عالية.
هذا المشروع بدأ مع فكرة. فكرتنا الأساسيّة هدفت إلى إنشاء منصة فيديو آمنة، عالية الأداء، ومتوافقة مع قانون هيبا لحماية معلومات المرضى (HIPPA). تؤمن المنصة التفاعل الشخصي عن بُعُد مع المرضى في أي وقت، ومن أي مكان. ذلك لا يُمكن تحقيقه إلا من خلال تكنولوجيا الفيديو وأمن البيانات. وهذا ما قمنا بتوفيره لإنشاء المنصة.
منصة متوافقة مع قانون هيبا لحماية معلومات المرضى (HIPAA) وما يُعادله من قوانين في البلدان الأخرى
CMS has relaxed their HIPAA requirements in light of the coronavirus pandemic, but we didn’t so you won’t need to find a different solution that meets those requirements after the coronavirus pandemic has passed.
Fully Encrypted Platform For Enhanced Data Security
We protect patient privacy and data custody in complete alignment with HIPAA requirements.
High Resolution Video Quality
Providers get high-quality views of patients for better subjective data, plus picture-in-picture display to facilitate better interactions by enabling reciprocal viewing (I see what you see of me).
Unlimited Video Conferences
Conduct as many video appointments as needed. Our platform is always available when you are.
Browser and Device Agnostic
Works in Chrome, Safari, FireFox (and even some more obscure browsers) and supports most Apple/iOS, Android, and Windows devices.
Providers get to advance care quality as well as their practice.
No-Contract Monthly Subscription Plans.
Hassle-free subscriptions let you manage your plan based on your practice needs. You can adjust you plan up or down or cancel at any time.
Session Tracking And Audit Log.
Track and log each appointment. We record appointment type, date, start time, duration, patient name and identifier in the appointment log for auditing purposes.
Web-Based Provider Access.
Providers can access their MediVisum account online from any web browser. That means you can schedule and conduct appointments anywhere you need to.
Activation Within 24 Hours Of Sign Up.
Our easy, monthly subscription plans gets you up and running in less than 24 hours.
Flexible Scheduling Options & Management.
The MediVisum account dashboard lets providers and their schedulers set up video appointments on demand, manage existing appointments or create new ones.
Covid-19 And Specialized Screening Templates.
Covid-19 screening templates available at all plan levels. Other specialty templates as well as template customization available at Professional and Deluxe levels only.
Split-Screen For Video And Encounter Notes.
Document observations in “Encounter Notes” while continuing to engage with patients on a single screen.
Appointment Reminders for Patients.
Reduce “no shows'“ with automated SMS or voice recorded reminders that alert patients of their upcoming appointment.
Secure 2-Way Live Text Chat.
Secure messaging enables sharing of content and links so providers can distribute reference material and care related instructions.
For patients - one less headache.
Patients have enough to worry about. Connecting remotely with their providers for face-to-face interaction is now one less thing they have to.
No Apps To Download
Once an appointment is created (scheduled or on-demand), appointment details are sent to each patient by text message or by email and the meeting is conducted in the patient’s web browser on their smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer.
Connect To Appointment In One Click
Patients enter each video appointment by simply clicking the appointment link sent to them via text or email message.
Browser and Device Agnostic
Works in Chrome, Safari, FireFox (and even some more obscure browsers) and supports Apple/iOS, Android, and Windows devices.
Appointment Reminders
Automated text or email reminders at least 15 minutes before the beginning of each appointment help keep patients on schedule and provide easy access to the meeting link.
Post-Session Patient Summary
HIPAA-compliant engagement summary and follow up items sent to patient’s phone or email.